Parking Ban Part 1: Does the Overnight Parking Ban Work?
This video shows that the overnight parking ban does not keep the streets clear during a snow storm.
Parking Ban Part 2: Enforcement
This video shows how resident complaints appear to be heavily influencing the overnight parking ban enforcement.
Parking Ban Part 3: Do We Need It?
This video explore the history of the parking ban and why the overnight ban is not the correct solution for achieving its intended purpose(s).
Stop Targeting Hancock Street!
Ooops, they did it again! (The police targeted Hancock Street.)
Winchester Parking Ban for Dummies
A video to make light of the fact that Hancock and Webster Streets are so obviously targeted.
The Overnight Parking Situation
This video highlights the fact that a winter overnight parking ban is no longer feasible: due to the population density in some areas of town, many residents do not have off-street parking.